2006-07 Sample Team - Tournament Details
Amicalola Classic
Date: Fri 1/5/2007 TBA Sat 1/6/2007 TBA
Location: Dawson County High School - Dawsonville
Team Placing:
Individual Placers:
Comments: Contact: Arron Haynes Email: ahaynes@dawson.k12.ga.us Ph: 706 265-6555 ext. Fee: 175.00 The Amicaloa Classic is a 2 day tournament with one day of duals on four mats and one day is a traditional trournament (three mats). Pigtail losers are out, first round losers wrestle for 5th and 6th if your man makes the finals, semi losers wrestle for 3rd and 4th, no wrestle backs. This is a great way to get your wrestlers 6-8 matches in two days. We have made this an eight man bracket in the past, but if enough teams are interested, we will make it a 16 man bracket. Teams that attended last year were: Dawson County, Oglethorpe Co., Buford, GAC, North Oconee, Collins Hill, Gainesville, Pickens, Lumpkin Co., and Towns Co.
Event Matches
Data for this team maintained by Alan Blashaw