
  Collins Hill Eagles


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2003-04 Collins Hill Eagles - Tournament Details

Georgia AAAAA State Tournament

Sat 2/21/2004 0:00:00           


Team Placing: 2

Individual Placers:
1st--119 : Thomas Knapp
1st--130 : Tyler Parker
1st--145 : Nick Lukacs
2nd--112 : Cody Black
2nd--140 : Sean Patrick
3rd--135 : Clay Gray
5th--125 : Michael Johns

"Parkview wins with 239, Collins Hill has 224.5"

Event Matches

Kyle Maynard WDec 4-2 vs. St. James (Centennial) 103

Kyle Maynard LDec 10-7 vs. Roetman (East Coweta) 103
Kyle Maynard WDec 5-3 vs. Tait (South Gwin.) 103
Kyle Maynard WDec 8-6 vs. Kimbrough (Tri Cty) 103
Kyle Maynard LDec 10-5 vs. Galloway (Parkview) 103

Cody Black WPin 5:45 vs. Peters (North Cobb) 112

Cody Black WDec 10-9 vs. Fayard (Eagles Landing) 112
Cody Black WPin 1:29 vs. Key (Lowndes) 112
Cody Black WPin :57 vs. Lock (NW Whitfield) 112
Cody Black LDec 5-4 vs. Banks (Seqoya) 112

Thomas Knapp WPin 1:42 vs. Mejia (Benedictine) 119

Thomas Knapp WPin :35 vs. White (Tift Cnty) 119
Thomas Knapp WDec 11-4 vs. Savage (Starrs Mill) 119
Thomas Knapp WMaj 10-0 vs. Winiarcyzk (Pope) 119
Thomas Knapp WMaj 16-6 vs. Prater (McEachern) 119

Michael Johns WFft vs. Ragan (Jonesboro) 125

Michael Johns WDec 7-5 vs. King (Starrs Mill) 125
Michael Johns WDec 9-2 vs. Cravens (South Cobb) 125
Michael Johns LMaj 11-2 vs. Segar (Centennial) 125
Michael Johns LDec 11-7 vs. Moulder (Dacula) 125
Michael Johns WDec 9-3 vs. Cravens (South Cobb) 125

Tyler Parker WPin :35 vs. Maloney (Lowndes) 130

Tyler Parker WMaj 10-2 vs. Queiroz (Wheeler) 130
Tyler Parker WMaj 10-2 vs. Grizzard (Groves) 130
Tyler Parker WMaj 17-3 vs. Shealy (McEachern) 130
Tyler Parker WDec 4-1 vs. Olson (Walton) 130

Clay Gray WPin 5:28 vs. Patrie (McIntosh) 135

Clay Gray WPin 1:48 vs. Storey (Redan) 135
Clay Gray LDec 11-6 vs. Waller (Walton) 135
Clay Gray WDec 3-1 vs. Jett (Sprayberry) 135
Clay Gray WMaj 11-3 vs. Jack (Lee County) 135
Clay Gray WDec 6-2 vs. Cosper (Starrs Mill) 135
Clay Gray WDec 4-0 vs. Stewart (Parkview) 135

Sean Patrick WPin :14 vs. Fayette Cnty (Benedictine) 140

Sean Patrick WPin 1:34 vs. Robinson (Tri Cty) 140
Sean Patrick WMaj 12-0 vs. Norman (Murray) 140
Sean Patrick WTec 18-3 vs. Lee (Camden) 140
Sean Patrick LDec 5-4 vs. Baird (Parkview) 140

Nick Lukacs WPin 1:11 vs. Fennell (SW Dekalb) 145

Nick Lukacs WPin 1:11 vs. Stanley (Fayette Cnty) 145
Nick Lukacs WDec 10-4 vs. Anthony (Pope) 145
Nick Lukacs WMaj 11-3 vs. Hoffman (Walton) 145
Nick Lukacs WMaj 13-0 vs. Jenkins (Seqoya) 145

Nick Flaherty WPin 3:49 vs. Geiger (Cherokee) 152

Nick Flaherty LPin 3:22 vs. Bargo (Henry County) 152
Nick Flaherty LPin 2:12 vs. Smith (Lee County) 152

Chuck Palmer WPin 2:43 vs. Green (Benedictine) 160

Chuck Palmer LPin 2:11 vs. Miller (Redan) 160
Chuck Palmer LPin 4:48 vs. Gonzalez (Marrietta) 160

Phillip White WMaj 21-9 vs. Johnson (Redan) 171

Phillip White WPin 5:18 vs. Strickland (Glynn Ac.) 171
Phillip White LMaj 17-4 vs. Scott (Valdosta) 171
Phillip White WDec 10-3 vs. Ordy (Stephenson) 171
Phillip White LDec 11-6 vs. Watson (Sprayberry) 171

Tyler Stadulis WPin 3:30 vs. Allen (Marrietta) 189

Tyler Stadulis LDec 7-0 vs. Runnels (Lassiter) 189
Tyler Stadulis WPin 2:12 vs. Chewning (North Gwin.) 189
Tyler Stadulis WPin 1:56 vs. Burt (Effingham) 189
Tyler Stadulis WDec 9-6 vs. Wilson (East Coweta) 189
Tyler Stadulis LDec 7-6 vs. Abanikanda (Osborne) 189

Leon Delain WMaj 14-0 vs. Hurst (Coffee Cnty) 215

Leon Delain WDec 12-6 vs. Summerhill (Kell) 215
Leon Delain LDec 10-8 vs. Murphy (Unknown) 215
Leon Delain WDec 10-5 vs. Lentini (Brunswick) 215
Leon Delain LDec 7-5 vs. Johnson (Stephenson) 215

Robert Thomas WPin 2:06 vs. Brown (Warner Robbins) 275

Robert Thomas LPin 4:35 vs. Jones (Cedar Grove) 275
Robert Thomas WPin 2:49 vs. Garnder (Lithonia) 275
Robert Thomas LPin :30 vs. Graves (Pope) 275

Data for this team maintained by Daniel Sinnott


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